腐皮糯米卷 Bean Curd Skin Glutinous Rolls

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    Step 1

    烧热少许油入平底锅,放入糯米段以小火煎至两 面微脆便可。 Sear in skillet with some oil until the skin become crispy, done.

    Step 2

    将糯米沥干,放入蒸盘以大火蒸15分钟。 Drain glutinous rice and steam in high heat for 15 minutes.

    Step 3

    用筷子弄松糯米,洒入适量水份继续蒸10分 钟,重复做法2-3次至糯米熟透。 Loosen the glutinous rice, sprinkle some water and then steam for another 10 minutes; repeat steps until the rice is thoroughly cooked.

    Step 4

    将糯米饭加入糖拌匀;豆沙搓长条备用。 Mix the glutinous rice with sugar; roll out red bean paste into long strip.

    Step 5

    把腐皮摊放在桌上,先铺甜饭. Spread some sweet glutinous rice on top of bean curd skin

    Step 6

    再将豆沙捏成长条放在糯米饭上,卷紧成长条。 place red bean paste on top of glutinous rice, and then roll up with bean curd skin firmly.

    Step 7

    将糯米条稍微压扁后切成小段。 Flatten lightly and cut the roll into sections.
